As an educator my ultimate goal is centered around creating teaching and learning that is best suited to how students learn. In order to accomplish this goal I have made the commitment to be a lifelong learner. The Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program has provided me with tools to accomplish this goal. Within my coursework I have acquired a range of knowledge of concepts, frameworks, theories, and resources that will impact and shape my future as a teacher. My goals are to lessen the digital divide, spread my knowledge of Technological, Pedagogical, And Content Knowledge (TPACK), and continue to develop my own teacher creativity. As I apply this knowledge into my teaching I will also focus on the underlying importance of developing teaching and learning that is designed around how students learn.
Technology is great! But as a teacher it’s important to remember that there is always going to be a digital divide. Meaning, not all students have access to the same types of technology at home. As a special education teacher consultant one of my roles entails supporting students with their class work and helping them advocate for their needs. In working with students on multiple classroom assignments I often see technology that is not thoughtfully placed in lessons or assignments. Additionally, students I work with have trouble completing theses lessons or assignments due to lack of technology at home. I see this as a double edged sword. To begin to deconstruct this problem, I will urge teachers the importance of allowing class time to accomplish technology based assignments. I will continue to support students to advocate for their needs in addition to finding programs and funding to aid with technology access. My second goal is to share my knowledge of TPACK and design thinking with my colleagues. This indeed is a BIG task. However, I plan to accomplish this through my co-teaching opportunities over the next several years. In the process, I will assist the content area teachers in incorporating technology in a meaningful and purposeful way using the TPACK framework and design thinking models.
To help me in accomplishing the above goals I will tap into many different professional resources. In raising awareness and supporting closing the digital gap I plan to stay connected to programs and funding within my school community through Twitter, newspaper, community bulletins, and my local Personal Learning Network (PLN). Chris Seals, a Michigan State University instructor is also helpful in this area. Chris has a wide knowledge of equity in access to technology. My efforts in spreading the word about TPACK and design thinking and implementing lessons will be supported through TED talks, colleagues within my district, teachers within my PLN on twitter, and educational technology conferences like MACUL and MSU COETC 17. My peers within the MAET program both past and present will also be a valuable resource. The resources I’ve selected are based on people or programs I find credible to the subject and platforms in which I learn best.
My final goal is derived from an article entitled, Learning from Creative Teachers, written by Danah Henriksen and Punya Mishra. This article observed expert teachers and found five key elements to how they teach creatively. The five components: connect your interests with your teaching, link lessons to real-world learning, cultivate a creative mind-set, value collaboration, and take intellectual risks. My goal is be a creative teacher now and in the future by applying a variety of the five ideas into the development of my lessons and in my teaching. To begin, I plan to link lessons within my co-taught geometry class to real-world learning. In time, I will continue to apply the other creative ideas within my teaching.
In order to develop geometry lessons related to real world learning I will need support from my co-teaching partner, who is the content area specialist. Also, I plan to reach out to a former colleague of mine that teaches geometry in a hands on approach through discovery activities and collaboration. For more ideas I will reach out to my PLN on Twitter and also explore ideas linked to Pinterest. I know that each of these resources will provide me with information I can use to support my goal and I am confident and comfortable in accesses them.
In conclusion, as I begin on my educational quest I have realized there is a lot to accomplish. However, I have made the commitment to be a lifelong learner and I know that through the MAET program I possess the skills and professional resources in order to achieve my current and future goals as a teacher. I will strive to infuse educational technology into my teaching through design thinking and TPACK all while being mindful of the digital divide and fostering creativity. Lastly, I will utilize my educational community for support and resources to continue to and grow as an educator. I am proud to be an educator and although exhausting at times, I find joy in supporting students finding success in learning.
Henriksen, D., & Mishra, P. (2013). Learning from creative teachers. Educational Leadership. 70(5). Accessed 8/16/2017 http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/feb13/vol70/num05/Learning-from-Creative-Teachers.aspx